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Our ALM solution gives you full control over your CC&B development and deployment processes across multiple environments.

Automated Deployment

Our solution allows you to automate your deployment process with a single command and is flexible enough to handle complex and custom deployment needs.

Source Control

Our proprietary source control process allows your company to manage changes to your CC&B implementation, including version control and history.

Track Requirements

Easily associate changes in the system to work items (i.e. tasks). This association allows your company to track details about each change.

Comply with auditing requirements

Our ALM solution helps to provide internal controls and reporting methods required by Sarbanes-Oxley and other auditing demands.

Continuous Integration

Configure your CC&B to automatically build development and test environments when code is checked in, either daily or on-demand.

Promotion Environments

Our ALM solution manages the promotion of changes through your various test and development environments.

Trialing & Dry Runs

This feature lets you run 'what if' scenarios, enabling you to assess the impact of changes made to various environments before the changes are committed.


Before any deployment, a file system backup will execute automatically, and all change history will be stored on the CC&B system as an audit trail.

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